Crockett Community Meeting: Guiding Principles
Crockett Community Center
850 Pomona Avenue, Crockett, CA 94525
August 15, 2019
6:30 pm
Contra Costa County is updating the County's General Plan, Zoning Code, and Climate Action Plan an initiative called "Envision Contra Costa 2040." The General Plan sets forth goals and policies related to all aspects of community growth, change, and preservation is often referred to as the "constitution" for local development. The General Plan establishes the foundation for all land use decisions (including zoning and permitted activities) and Board of Supervisors policy direction.
At tonight's meeting, we'll present draft Guiding Principles that articulate the values, priorities, and aspirations for the future of Crockett shared by community members at our first community meeting. You'll have an opportunity to let us know if we're on track and to share your ideas for specific policies, actions, and strategies to include in the General Plan, Zoning Code, and Climate Action Plan.
6:30 Sign-In
6:40 Welcome and Introductions 6:45 Presentation
• Envision Contra Costa 2040 Overview
• Draft Guiding Principles for Crockett
• Overview of the Workshop Exercise 7:00 Questions and Answers
7:15 Workshop Exercise Review Guiding Principles; Brainstorm Policies, Actions and Strategies 8:15 Reports Back/Summary
8:30 Adjourn
envisioncontracosta2040 .org
Envisioncontracosta2040 .org