Lighting and Landscape Commission
The Lighting & Landscape division was created to continue the cleanup efforts spearheaded by the Crockett Improvement Association (CIA) to beautify and maintain the community of Crockett. While much of the cleanup work is performed bi-annually by the CIA, there remains the need for regular upkeep and maintenance throughout the year. Measure L is a property tax initiative that provides funding for this ongoing maintenance. The first round of funding is scheduled to be received in early 2024.
Since its formation in 2023, the Lightning and Landscape Department has been overseen by a five-member Lightning and Landscape Commission that oversees lightning and landscape services in the towns of Crockett, appointed by the District Board to serve two-year terms. Commissioners must reside within Crockett. They receive no compensation.
Commissioners are subject to the Conflict of Interest Code and must file Statements of Economic Interests required by the Fair Political Practices Commission.
- 7:00 pm
- Normally third Tuesday of each month
- Crockett Community Center
850 Pomona Ave
Crockett, CA 94525
- Julie Fisk
- Carla Garbis
- Kara Mitzel
- Lindey Pannell (Chair)
- 1 Vacancy
Notice of Vacancy
The District is now taking applications for two vacancies on the Crockett Lighting & Landscape Committee. Applicants must be residents of Crockett. Anyone interested should apply by written letter (Letter of Interest), clearly identifying themselves by name, street address, and Crockett phone number. Applications must contain a statement of interest and qualifications.
Please submit letters to the Crockett Community Services District, PO Box 578, Crockett, CA 94525; attention L&L Commission. Alternatively, you may email your letter to
The position is open until filled.
Upcoming Meetings for 2024
January 16 | February 20 | March 19 |
April 16 | May 21 | June 18 |
July 16 | August 20 | September 17 |
October 15 | November 19 | December 17 |
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Please contact Crockett CSD if you have questions. To be notified of upcoming meeting, please click on the blue tag on the bottom right corner.